(정오표)프리미어시사독해실렉션 32번
 2020-07-20 10:41:49    조회수: 74819  글쓴이: 종합출판 
프리미어 시사독해 실렉션 32번, 제2번 문제를 다음과 같이 교체합니다.

2. Choose the false statement from the following.
a) This kind of intensive animal farming is unprofitable for the farm owners.
b) Diseases spread because the animals live so close together in dirty conditions.
c) More and more people are dying as they become resistant to antibiotics.
d) The use of animal manure in fields can cause human diseases.

- 정답, 해설은 문제 없습니다 -
[ 새글 0 / 전체 84 ]

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